Lindsay Hattrick

Editorial Designer
Brooklyn, NY

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Lindsay Hattrick

Editorial Designer
Brooklyn, NY



Pressssssure: A printmaking event

During Spring 2014, I took a class called Alternative Processes taught by Dafi Kuhne. Together as a class we planned and saw through a linocut asphalt roller print event. Spectators were invited to watch as we printed linocuts we had designed and cut ourselves.

The event took place on April 11, 2014 at our VCU Pollak Building.

In teams of two, we designed a cut a 32" x 44" poster based on the prompt "Pressure". I was partnered with Jacob Johnson. We chose to focus on our internal anxieties and the visual representation of that feeling.

Jacob & I sitting on the printing device the two of us designed and I constructed.

Inking the lino